- Grow probationary constable numbers by 500 including 30 constables for Bougainville Police Service increase commission Officers by 60:
- Expansion on use of force options available to frontline Police such as batons handcuffs and ammunition;
- Reservists recruitment under new governance;
- Evolve the accommodation policy to encourage good performance, esprit de corp, and to reflect a resonable fiscal constraint. Examine potential links with loyalty incentives and the use of Superanuation savings;
- Development and commence implementation of a rolling infrastructure maintainance and development program, while utilizing strategic partnership including Police accommodation and;
- Re-fleeting 150 new vehicles which will improve the police image and significantly improves financial efficiency
- All Police commance operate an emergency response helpline an a general inquiries line, and emergency response times are shortened;
- Better training across frontline policing enhancing evidence gathering and investigations to support prosecutions;
- Revamped & mordenized recruit trainning curriculum taught at the Bomana National Centre of Excellence;
- Competency Aquisition Program is fully resourced and systematically enforce by Provincial Trainning Cells;
- Increase traffic patrols on major roadways and greater rural policing;
- Standard of compliance with use of force;
- Increase the number of family sexual violence units with specifically trained staff to support victims;
- Establishment of partnership between police and survivor screening and support services and;
- Increase surveillance and expansion on current CCTV capacity in urban centers.
- Governance Teams established, resourced, and operating closely with strategic partners performance, and funding management
- Introduce and operate new mordern recruitment methods
- Complete the institutionalization of the new constabulary standing orders
- Commence the review of the police Act (2018)
- Meet all statutory reporting requirements
- ICT reveiw and develop for greater policing capabilities