Rit Long Tok Pisin
l, Acting Commissioner, Donald Yamasombi, Controller, by virtue of the powers conferred on by Section 228 of the Constitution of PNG and all powers hereby issue the following amendment made to the first copy of the issuance of the security measure issued on 13 January 2024 and states:
‘l, Acting Commissioner, Donald Yamasombi, Controller, by virtue of the powers conferred on by Section 288 of the Constitution…..’
The correct constitutional provision should read as:
‘l, Acting Commissioner, Donald Yamasombi, Controller, by virtue of the powers conferred on by Section 228 of the Constitution…..’
I hereby, declare that, the second copy of the security measure issued on 13 January 2024 and stating the constitutional provision of Section 228 is the correct provision and l, hereby revoke the first copy of the security measure which states the constitutional provision of Section 288 and I authorise and validate the second copy of the security measure as the accurate and intended constitutional provision.
This amendment and second copy (attached) of the security measure is made in ‘good faith’ and now in force.
I, Acting Commissioner, Donald Yamasombi, DPS, QPM Controller, by virtue of the powers conferred on by Section 228 of the Constitution of PNG and all powers enabling hereby issue the following security measures for immediate implementation.
l, Acting Commissioner, Donald Yamasombi QPM, DPS, Controller, by virtue of the powers conferred on by Section 228 of the Constitution of PNG and all powers enabling issue the following security measures for immediate implementation.
- Definition of ‘Public Gathering’ — A public gathering is when a group of people gathered in a public place for a common purpose. For the purpose of this security measure, only haus krai and church related gathering are authorize.
- For clarity purposes, a public gathering also includes street vendors.
- A member of the Constabulary or a Police Officer and or a member of the PNGDF executing Police duties as a Special Constable are vested with powers to disperse group of people gathering in paragraph 2 of this measure.
- A member of the Constabulary or a Police Officer and or a member of the PNGDF executing Police duties as a Special Constable are vested with powers to disperse a group of people gathering at the vicinity of a shop or a ware house with the intention of stealing or breaking into the shops or ware house and or government installation.
- A member of the Constabulary or a Police Officer and or a member of the PNGDF executing Police duties as a Special Constable are vested with powers to stop and search vehicles transporting group of people for public gathering.
- A person or a group of people that does not comply with the direction of a member of the Constabulary or a Police Officer and or a member of the PNGDF executing Police duties as a Special Constable in the preceding paragraphs shall be deemed to have committed an offence under Criminal Code Act and NCDC Municipal Act.
- These measures come into effect on 12‘h January through to 26*h January 2024 until such time as the National Executive Council (NEC) so decides.
l, Acting Commissioner, Donald Yamasombi DPS, QPM, Controller, by virtue of the powers conferred on by Section 228 of the Constitution of PNG and all powers enabling hereby issue the following security measures:
- In addition to the powers under the Search Act 1977, a member of the Constabulary or a Police Officer and or a member of the PNGDF executing Police duties as a Special Constable have the power to command a person to momentarily stop, so that a member can conduct search of persons, routine searches and rub-down searches for offensive weapons, if any.
- A member of the Constabulary or a Police Officer and or a member of the PNGDF executing Police duties as a Special Constable have the power to conduct the following:
- routine searches at roadblocks and on a vessel at sea; or
- a rub down search of persons; or
- a search of a person upon reasonable suspicion of the persons intent to carry out an offence under this security measure of any other Act.
- A member of the Constabulary or a Police Officer and or a member of the PNGDF executing Police duties as a Special Constable have the power to conduct routine searches on a person and the circumstances in which this will be conducted are the following:
- Requiring articles in the person’s belongings to be searched, including the search of a bag; or to
- Requiring a person to remove outer clothing worn by the person and searching the clothing including articles placed in the person’s clothing; or
- Requiring accessories worn by a person including but not limited to spectacles, headwear, footwear, watches and jewellery to be searched; or
- Requiring the person or his or her belongings to be placed in an X-Ray scanner for persons, or X-Ray machine for property respectively; or
- The use of walk-through detectors and handheld detectors.
- In conducting a routine search a member of the Constabulary, a Police Officer and or the member of the PNGDF shall take the reasonable and necessary measure required in conducting such a search taking to account the purpose of the search and having proper regard for the rights and dignity of mankind.
- In preparation for a member of the Constabulary or a Police Officer and or a member of the PNGDF executing Police duties as a Special Constable to conduct searches on vessels out at sea, persons to be searched must comply with all directives issued by a member conducting the search. In addition, a member of the constabulary or a Police Officer and or a member of the PNGDF executing Police duties as a Special Constable must also take the reasonable and necessary measure required in conducting such a search taking to account the purpose of the search and having proper regard for the rights and dignity of mankind.
- A member of the Constabulary, a Police Officer or a member of the PNGDF executing police powers as a Special Constable may conduct Rub-down searches on a person and the circumstances in which this will be conducted are the following:
- A search of a person carried out by quickly running the hands over a person’s outer clothing; and
- A search of anything worn by the person that can be conveniently and voluntarily removed by the person, including headwear, gloves, footwear or accessories; and
- A search of anything carried by the person.
- In conducting a rub-down search a member of the constabulary, Police Officer and a member of the PNGDF shall take the reasonable and necessary measure required in conducting such a search taking to account the purpose of the search and having proper regard for the rights and dignity of mankind.
- A rub-down search shall be carried out by a member of the Constabulary, a Police Officer or a member of the PNGDF of the same gender being searched.
- A search on a reasonable suspicion by a member of the Constabulary, a Police Officer or a member of the PNGDF executing police powers as a Special Constable may be conducted on a person’s intent to carry out an offence under any Act.
- Routine searches may be conducted on motor vehicles and PMV buses and other automobiles on the road and entering roadblocks.
- A search and inspection of premises by a member of the Constabulary, a Police Officer or a member of the PNGDF executing police powers as a Special Constable may be conducted in circumstances where in the opinion of the Controller forms the view that for the purposes of the State of Emergency (SOE) a member of the Constabulary, a Police Officer or a member of the PNGDF executing police powers as a Special Constable must immediately enter and search a premises to clear, interdict or neutralise a threat, the Controller may authorise such immediate entry and search in that premises without the need of a search warrant.
- ‘Offensive Weapons’ means any object that is made, adapted, or intended to be used to cause physical injury to a person.
- ‘Offensive Weapons’ may include items that are reasonably suspected or having the potential of being dangerous or pose a threat shall be sized but not limited the following:
- Machetes (Bush Knives)
- Wire Catapult (Wire Katapel)
- Knives
- Screwdrivers
- Swords
- In addition to paragraph one (1) and three (3) of this security measure, if offensive weapons are found on a person, then upon the finding of the offensive weapons on that person, a member of the Constabulary, a Police Officer or a member of the PNGDF executing police powers as a Special Constable may be have the right to seize the offensive instruments.
- With regard to paragraph thirteen (13) of this security measure and in addition to ‘house breaking implements’ is defined as any object or tool use to pry open a lock, door, fence for the sole purpose of breaking and entering into a property, room, dwelling house, office, shops, warehouse and or government installations.
- ‘house breaking implements’ may include the following items but not limited to:
- Crowbar (pinchbar)
- HoxieBolt cutteraluminium cutter (fence cutter)Pliers
- Screwdrivers
- In carrying out a search under paragraphs four (4) five (S) and eleven (11) of this security measure respectively, items that are deemed not to be dangerous and pose a threat must be returned immediately to the person in which it was taken from within a reasonable period of time.
- Where an item is seized:
- cannot be returned; orpossession would otherwise be unlawful; or
- is unclaimed after a reasonable period, it shall become the property of the State and may be disposed of by the direction of the controller, destruction or by other lawful means.
- Powers of arrest and detention are in addition to and not in derogation of the powers of arrest and detention under the Arrest Act 1977 or any other Act.
Searches without warrant: Suspected premises, vessels, vehicles etc. will be searched upon reasonable suspicions without search warrants, coordinated through with the authorization of the Controller.
I, Acting Commissioner, Donald Yamasombi, DPS, QPM Controller, by virtue of the powers conferred on by Section 228 of the Constitution of PNG and all powers enabling hereby issue the following security measures:
- Alcohol must be consumed in a pub, nightclub, hotel, motels or similar establishments which are licensed between the hours of 10:00 a.m. through to 10:00 p.m. only.
- The sale of any form of alcohol at unlicensed liquor outlets is prohibited. If, through a routine search that a member of the Constabulary, a Police Officer or a member of the PNGDF executing police powers as a Special Constable seize liquor then the process specified under measure No. 2, paragraph 18, will take effect.
- Any person found to be consuming any form of alcohol in a moving vehicle or in a public place or an unlicensed alcohol outlet would be searched upon reasonable suspicion.
I, Acting Commissioner, Donald Yamasombi DPS, QPM Controller, by virtue of the powers conferred on by Section 228 of the Constitution of PNG and all powers enabling hereby issue the following security measures:
- Service providers providing for the all goods and services will endeavour to maintain a fair price for all its services and products.
- The Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (ICCC) shall ensure that service providers maintain a fair price for all their services and continue its vigilant watch.
I, Acting Commissioner, Donald Yamasombi DPS, QPM Controller, by virtue of the powers conferred on by Section 228 of the Constitution of PNG and all powers enabling hereby issue the following security measures:
- In relation to curfews, the Curfew Act 1987 does not apply to this National State of Emergency.
- To be clear, there is no curfew imposed on this State of Emergency period.
Mi, Ekting Komisina, Donald Yamasombi, DPS, QPM Kontrola, i gat pawa aninit long Seksen 228 bilong Konstitusen bilong PNG na ol arapela pawa i tokaut long ol dispela senis long namba wan sekyuriti mesa bilong 13 Janueri 2024 we i tok:
“Mi, Ekting Komisina, Donald Yamasombi, Kontrola, i gat pawa aninit long Seksen 288 bilong Konsitusen…..”
Senis long dispela seksen bilong konstitusen i mas tok olsem:
“Mi, Ekting Komisina, Donald Yamasombi, Kontrola, i gat pawa aninit long Seksen 228 bilong Konsitusen…..”
Mi tokaut olsem dispela namba tu kopi bilong ol sekyuriti mesa i bin kamap long 13 Janueri 2024 na tok dispela hap bilong konstitusen Seksen 228 em i stretpela provisen, na mi rausim namba wan kopi bilong ol sekyuriti mesa we i tok Seksen228 bilong konstitusen. Mii givim tok orait olsem namba tu kopi bilong ol sekyuriti mesa em i stret nau na i bihainim provisen bilong konstitusen.
Dispela senis na namba tu kopi (i stap hia) bilong ol sekyutiti mesa em i “stret nau” na i wok lo.
Mi, Ekting Komisina, Donald Yamasombi, DPS, QPM Kontrola, i gat pawa aninit long Seksen 228 bilong Konstitusen bilong PNG na ol arapela pawa i tokaut long ol dispela sekyuriti mesa i kamap nau.
- Bung long Pablik Ples – Long taim wanpela grup i bung long pablik ples long mekim wanpela samting. Dispela sekyuriti mesa i tok orait long bung long haus krai na lotu.
- Tok klia olsem, bung long pablik ples, i karamapim tu ol strit maket.
- Wanpela memba bilong Konstabuleri o Polis Opisa o wanpela memba bilong PNGDF i mekim wok bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstabol i gat pawa long rausim ol pipel i bung long mesa 2.
- Wanpela memba bilong Konstabuleri o Polis Opisa na wanpela memba bilong PNGDF imekim wok bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstabol i gat pawa long rausim ol pipel i bung klostu long stua o wea haus long stil o brukim stua o weahaus o gavman propeti.
- Wanpela memba bilong Konstabuleri o Polis Opisa na wanpela memba bilong PNGDF i mekim wok bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstaboli gat pawa long stopim na sekim kar i karim ol pipel i go long wanpela pablik bung.
- Wanpela man o grup husat i no harim tok na bihainim dispela oda bilong wanpela memba bilong Konstabuleri o Polis Opisa o memba bilong PNGDF husat i mekim wok bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstabuleri i brukim lo aninit long Criminal Code Act na NCDC Municipal Act.
- Ol dispela mesa i stat long 12 Janueri 2024 inap long taim Nesenel Eseketiv Kaunsil (NEC) i rausim.
Mi, Ekting Komisina, Donald Yamasombi, DPS, QPM Kontrola, i gat pawa aninit long Seksen 228 bilong Konstitusen bilong PNG naol arapela pawa I tokaut long ol dispel sekyuriti mesa:
- Wantaim ol pawa aninit bilong Search Act 1977, wanpela memba bilong Konstabueri o Polis Opisa na wanpela memba bilong PNGDF husat I gat pawa bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstabol i gat pawa long stopim kar na sekim ol pasindia, na sekim bodi bilong ol long ol wepon.
- Wanpela memba bilong Konstabuleri o Polis Opisa na wanpela memba bilong PNGDF husat i gat pawa bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstabol i gat pawa long:
- Sekim ol kar long rot blok o bot long solwara; o
- Sekim bodi bilong man; o
- Sekim man sapos em i saspek olsem bai dispe la man i brukim lo insait long ol dispela mesa o ol arapela Act.
- Wanpela memba bilong Konstabuleri o Polis Opisa na wanpela memba bilong PNGDF husat i gat pawa bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstabol i gat pawa long sekim man sapos ol i saspek long em na ol i ken:
- Sekap long ol samting bilong em, na beg bilong em; o
- Tokim man long rausim ol ausait klos bilong em na sekim klos na ol samting i stap long long klos bilong em; o
- Sekim ol arapela samting long bodi bilong em olsem aiglas, hat, su, hanwas na bilas; o
- Tokim man o meri long putim ol samting bilong ol long X-Ray scanner, o long X-Ray masin bilong ol propeti; o
- Tokim ol long wokabaut long we i gat ditekta na ol han ditekta.
- Long taim bilong mekim ol dispel sekap, memba bilong Konstabuleri, Polis Opisa na memba bilong PNGDF i mas bihainim stret pasin bilong sekim man na luksave long raits bilong dispela man.
- Long redi long mekim sekap, memba bilong Konstabuleri o Polis Opisa o memba bilong PNGDF husat i gat pawa bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstabol long sekap long bot long solwara, i mas bihainim stret pasin bilong sekap na luksave long raits bilong man.
- Memba bilong Konstabuler i o Polis Opisa o memba bilogn PNGDF husat i gat pawa bilong polis olsem Spesel Konstabol i ken sekim bodi bilong man na i ken mekim olsem sapos:
- Yusim han long pilim klos long bodi bilong man; na
- Sekim wanem samting man i putim long bodi, olsem hat, glap, su, ol bilas; na
- Sekap long ol samting dispela man i karim.
- Long taim bilong rub-down search, memba bilong Konstabuleri, Polis Opisa na memba bilong PNGDF i mas bihainim stret pasin bilong sekap, na luksave long raits bilong man.
- Wanpela man memba bilong Konstabuleri, Polis Opisa o memba bilong PNGDF i mas mekim rub-down search long man, na meri opisa i mas mekim rub-down search long meri.
- Wanpela memba bilong Konstabuleri, Polis Opisa o memba bilong PNGDF husat i gat pawa bilong polis olsem Spesel Konstabol, i ken sekap long husat man ol i saspek i laik brukim lo.
- Ol i ken sekap long ol kar, PMV bas na ol arapela kar long ol rot blok.
- Wok bilong sekap na inspeksen long ples wanpela memba bilong Konstabuleri, Polis Opisa, o memba bilong PNGDF husat i gat pawa bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstabol, i ken kamap sapos Kontrola i bilip olsem long taim bilong State of Emergency (SOE) wanpela memba bilong Konstabuleri, Polis Opisa o memba bilong PNGDF husat i gat pawa bi long Polis olsem Spesel Konstabol, i mas go insait hariap long sekap long wanpela haus na stopim wanpela kain birua inap kamap, long taim i no gat search warrant.
- “Offensive weapon” em wanem kain samting man i ken yusim long givim bagarap long narapela man.
- “Offensive weapon” em ol samting ol i saspek bai i ken kamapim bikpela birua, na ol i ken rausim ol dispela kain samting olsem:
- Busnaip
- WaiakatapelOl naipOl skrudraiva
- Ol bainat
- Wantaim paragraph one (1) na tri (3) bilong dispela sekyuriti mesa, sapo sol i painim offensive weapon long wanpela man, memba bilong Konstabuleri, Polis Opisa o memba bilong PNGDF husat i gat pawa bilong Polis olsem Spesel Konstabol i ken rausim ol dispela samting.
- Long paragraph tetin (13) bilong sekyuriti mesa na wantaim ‘ol samting bilong brukim haus’ i toktok long ol tul bilong brukim lok, dua na banis long go insait long propeti, rum o haus, opis, stua, wea haus o gavman propeti.
- ‘tul bilong brukim haus’ em ol kain samting olsem:
- Crowbar (pinchbar)
- Hoxie
- Bolt cutter
- aluminum cutter (fence cutter)
- Pliers
- Screwdriver
- Long taim bilong mekim search aninit long paragrap foa (4) faiv (5) na eleven (11) bilong dispela sekyuriti mesa, ol i mas givim bek ol samting we i no bilong kamapim bagarap, long husat man ol i bin kisim long en.
- We ol bin kisim i samting bilong kamapim bagarap:
- Bai oI i no inap givim bek; o
- Man i brukim o sapos em i holim; o
- Sapos no gat man i go kisim bihain long sampela taim, bai em i kamap propeti bilong Gavman na Kontrola bai toksave long rot bilong rausim dispela samting.
- Pawa bilong arestim man na kalabusim bai bihainim lo bi long arrest na detention aninit long Arrest Act 1977 o ol arapela Act.
Tok Klia
We i no gat search warant: Sapos ol i saspek long haus, sip na kar, ol i ken go insait na sekap long taim i no gat search war- rant , na ol i kisim tokorait bilong Kontrola.
Mi, Ekting Komisina, Donald Yamasombi, DPS, QPM Kontrola, i gat pawa aninit long Seksen 228 bilong Konstitusen bilong PNG na ol arapela pawa i tokaut long ol dispel sekyuriti mesa:
- Dringim alcohol long ol pub, nightclub, hotel, motel o kain ples olsem we i gat laisens namel long 10.00 a.m. na 10.00p.m. tasol.
- I tambu long salim alcohol long ples i no gat liquor license. Sapos long taim bilong sekap na wanpela memba bi long Konstabuleri, Polis Opisa na memba bilong PNGDF i gat Polis pawa olsem Spesel Konstabol i kisim ol liquor. Bai proses bilong mesa No. 2 paragrap 8 i karamapim dispel samting.
- Polis bai sekap long husat man ol i saspek olsem em i dringim alcohol long taim kar i ran long rot, long pablik ples o ples we i no gat laisens.
Mi, Ekting Komisina, Donald Yamasombi, DPS, QPM Kontrola, i gat pawa aninit long Seksen 228 bilong Konstitusen bilong PNG na ol arapela pawa i tokaut long ol dispel sekyuriti mesa:
- Ol sevis provaida bilong olgeta guds na sevis bai i mas putim stretpela paris long ol sevis na prodak bilong ol.
- Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (ICCC) bai sekap long lukim olsem ol sevis provaida i makim stretpela prais long ol sevis bilong ol na i putim was long dispela.
Mi, Ekting Komisina, Donald Yamasombi, DPS, QPM Kontrola, i gat pawa aninit long Seksen 228 bilong Konstitusen bilong PNG na ol arapela pawa i tokaut long ol dispel sekyuriti mesa:
- Kefiu Ekt bilong 1987 i no inap kamap insait long dispela Stet ov Imejensi
- Dispela i min olsem bai nogat kefiu i kamap wantaim dispela Stet ov Imejensi.